Oregon | Medicaid Long Term Care Eligibility 2024

Senior Living Levels of Care

Oregon Medicaid Care Eligibility for 2024


How does a senior qualify for Medicaid in Oregon?Senior Living Levels of Care

Age/Disability – the applicant must be age 65 or older, or blind, or disabled in some way. For my loved one this was a motorcycle accident. Rendering him completely dependent on others for everything. The applicant must meet certain medical requirements consistent with the level of care requested. Your loved one must need care for thirty (30) consecutive days. Medicaid evaluates applicants on a scale of 1-18 to determine their level of need. One (1) being the highest level of need (needing full assistance with all activities of daily living) and 18 the lowest level of need (needing a structured environment, but little or no assistance).

Oregon | Medicaid Long Term Care Eligibility

Are you eligible for Medicaid and can you be verified?

  • Residency and Citizenship – the applicant must be an Oregon resident and a U.S. citizen or have proper immigration status.

  • Age/Disability – the applicant must be age 65 or older, or blind, or disabled.

  • Level of Care – The applicant must meet certain medical requirements consistent with the level of care requested.


Oregon seniors must have limited income and assets, and a medical need to qualify for Medicaid long-term care. In 2024, a single Nursing Home Medicaid applicant must meet the following criteria:
1) Income under $2,829 / month
2) Assets under $2,000
3) Require a Nursing Home Level of Care.

Oregon has a five-year look-back period to ensure applicants have not given away assets which put them over the criteria.

To apply for Medicaid, you will need to provide the following documentation:
  • Social Security card
  • Medicare card
  • Birth Certificate or other record of birth
  • Legal residency card if you are not a citizen
  • Bank statements on all accounts for the last 3 months (checking, savings, CD, money market)

Medicade – Apply

Now you see you are Qualified for Medicaid Housing

What is out there for you? We can help! Golden Placements LLC has a few treasured housing situations who do accept Medicaid residents.

  • In-Home Services — This could be Home Care Worker, personal assistance with ADLs, nursing tasks, and help with housekeeping.
  • Care facilities — We help you sift through all the information about types of care facilities, licensed care services, and other resources to help you make an informed decision.

See our ADL / IADL Checklist or Call to get started with an experienced Personal Senior Planning Service with Golden Placements Services LLC. We save you time money and hours of detail work.

Medicaid – Senior Housing

What are our Medicaid Benefit Limits vs Our Standards and Expectations:

Are you expecting all kinds of things from your Medicaid options but accepting all kinds of unhealthy adult home practices or standards from a placement home or facility instead? Those are some low standards with high expectations. Now this results with you being resentful, frustrated with the care your loved one is receiving and disconnected. There is a saying “unspoken expectations lead to resentment”.

The more significantly sticky or held onto the expectations, the more significant the disappointment. As a leader of our family, do high expectations help or hurt your pursuit of high-performance? 


If you want a happy and fulfilled placement, you’ve got to identify your standards and stick to them while you balance keeping your expectations low. This concept works with relationships also. Usually when I discuss this thought process to being joyful I get serious push back. Honestly, track with me to the end of this post.


Key point: when you or your loved one is on Medicaid it makes sense to have high standards and low expectations. The big problem is that most people have it reversed. They have low standards but high expectations. In other words, most people will accept all kinds of bad housing situations (low standards), but then they’re not happy that they’re being treated poorly or personal property goes missing in the home or their loved ones health care regiment is not being administered (high expectations in a facility which did not meet their base standards).

Golden Placement Specialist 

How We HELP: There is something about a fine looking facility but terrible care that goes alone with this. At Golden Placements LLC we help you find what you are truly looking for in adult home care, carefully curated (If you are tired of looking for your perfect adult placement, stop reading and call us now. Our specialists are waiting to speak with you).

  • Limits – First, we help you understand Medicaid limitations we will need to keep our standards within those allowed parameters.
  • Standards – Then, we need to figure out your standards, you need to identify something called your personal dealbreaker when it comes to housing your loved one. Our standards stem from our personal dealbreakers. Our standards are important. Do not minimize your standards by having 50 of them. Keep to a top 3 to 5.
  • Expectations – Finally, people have tons of judgments about where their loved one “should” live and how things “should”. This will show up in our too-high or ill-conceived expectations. Lets avoid that.


Let me ask you have you ever felt disappointed or frustrated in a relationship? That’s it! That is how you know that your expectations in that instance with those parameters in that moment are too high and you slipped into Low Standardville.

What to Do Instead: Pinpoint Your Personal Definition of What Works for you and your Senior Loved One (or relationship)

Housing your Senior Loved one can be tricky especially within the Medicaid arena. At Golden Placements LLC one of our specialists can help you navigate this life transition.  

Reference to https://www.oregon.gov/ are on this page


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