7 Ways That Seniors Can Stay Hydrated and Healthy When the Weather Turns Hot

7 Tips to Stay Hydrated and Healthy When the Weather Turns Hot water pouring into a glass with a lemon slices

Don’t Let Dehydration Spell Trouble This Summer

First, it gets HOT out there! Now that summer is upon us it is important to Stay Hydrated and Healthy When the Weather Turns Hot.  Experiencing temperatures in the nineties can be fun with planning! It’s always a good to time think about maintaining health in the warm weather. Planning for some fun safe events can help beat the heat. Keep in mind that seniors and youngsters are likely to experience effects of hot weather and dehydration.

Stay Hydrated and Healthy especially When the Weather Turns Hot

Here you will learn more about hot weather symptoms and Stay Hydrated and Healthy When the Weather Turns Hot. 

  • heat cramps
  • heat exhaustion
  • heat stroke

Best life hack for staying healthy in the hot weather lies primarily in preparing protection from the effects of the sun! This is easy! Create a FUN hot weather kit for outings. This could include a fashionable umbrella, squirt gun filled with water, a long terry cloth to soak in water, shorts, a favorite electrolyte drink, wide brimmed hat and always carry sunscreen. Understand and reevaluate your limits for how hot weather affects your body.  The best tip this summer is to Stay Hydrated and Healthy When the Weather Turns Hot – Set a timer to Stop to reapply sunscreen to give yourself a moment to assess your heat level and share a fun hydrating drink with a loved one. 

Below are seven tips for seniors to stay on top of health and to make sure we ALL get enough care during hot weather.

1 – Limit or Avoid Consuming Dehydrating Substances Like Alcohol and Coffee

All forms of alcohol and coffee are diuretics, flushing much-needed water from the body, and causing mild dehydration in the process. The last thing your body needs in the hot weather is to be losing water to a diuretic! Stay Hydrated and save the coffee and alcohol for cooler times. Think of electrolyte drinks or Healthy shakes When the Weather Turns Hot.

2 – Wear Light, Breathable Clothing and a Hat When in Direct Sunlight

Natural fibers worn loose on the body have a natural cooling effect, even in the hottest weather. There is a reason why the Bedouins and other desert-dwelling groups are fully clothed in the hot desert weather – it will keep you cooler.

3 – Always Wear Plenty of Sunscreen & Understand the Numbers

Always make sure that your exposed skin is protected from the harmful, cancer-causing effects of the sun. Also, make sure that your sunscreen hasn’t expired since last summer, and that you understand the duration of its effects and its strength.

4 – Plan Your Outdoor Activities and Exercise for the Cool Parts of the Day

This one is relatively easy. If you can avoid doing anything during the hottest part of the day (typically early to mid-afternoon), then be sure to do so. It’s usually easier to stay cool than to cool down again after getting overheated. The lawn can be mowed at dusk, and the garden weeded in the early morning. Often, there’s no better way to beat the afternoon heat than to do what the Spanish do, and just sleep through it.

5 – Stay Inside When It’s Hot and Use a Fan or the Air Conditioner

During the hottest parts of the day, staying inside may be your best strategy for beating the heat. But if it’s hotter in your house than outdoors, seek refuge at a local mall, community center, or movie theater. You can also employ a damp cloth on the forehead or nape of the neck to help you keep cool.

6 – Drink Plenty of Water

This is the most important thing that you can do to beat heat exhaustion and heat stroke. If you have to, you can jazz up your water with fresh mint, cucumber slices, fruit, or simply make it more interesting and buy fizzy water instead. Just do whatever you can to make sure you’re staying hydrated. Keep a bottle or pitcher of water with you at all times and drink periodically, even if you don’t feel thirsty.

7 – Try Adding Chia to Your Diet

Employed for centuries by long-distance running Aztec messengers in the deserts of the Southwest, Mexico, and Central America, chia seeds will absorb water in your gut and slowly release it throughout the day. This is not a substitute for drinking enough water, merely an aid to ensure that you’re getting the most from the water and other healthy liquids that you drink.

Stay Cool, Stay Hydrated

Even if it means staying inside throughout most of the day and shifting your gardening and recreational schedule into the early morning or evening hours, you must take care of yourself by staying cool and above all, staying hydrated. Stay safe and enjoy the summer. 

  Original Post on Falls and Seniors on Arp 29, 2016. This post has been recently updated as of June 2022 and now August 2024. Resources: Read more from the Golden Girls Senior Placement Specialists: Find Care Facilities for Your Loved One

Click the links below from our friends at CDC, Oregon State, and National Institute on Aging regarding Heat-related wellness:


Diane Delaney, Placement Specialist Extraordinaire

Diane Delaney, Golden Placement Services
Diane Delaney

Delaney is the founder of Golden Placement Services. She began this business with a healthy dose of compassion for  helping families make educated decisions regarding senior placement. Focused to relieve stress in uncertain senior housing crucial moments.  Diane brings about loving change of lifestyle with grace. Additionally, Diane is an accomplished executive manager, Director of Operations in senior housing. Emphatically, she enjoys sharing her experience. Diane enjoys writing about the full spectrum of the transition process for seniors and family members.   Read more from Senior Placement Specialist Diane: Ultimate Senior Living Resource Guide >>

LaVona Tomberlin, Senior Placement Specialist

LaVona Tomberlin
LaVona Tomberlin

Tomberlin brings a high level of education and experience to you as your Senior Placement Specialist at GPS. She loves writing about improving the lives of Elderly working in private care and in-home care for over 36 years. Geriatrics, Memory Care. In addition, she holds Master of Psychology Behavioral Health with the goal of advocating for those who needed a voice. Basically, LaVona believes helping the families make good decisions. She can help relieve stress in uncertain times making life worthwhile! Learn More: Read articles from Placement Specialist LaVona: End of Life Transition a heart felt Guide >>



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