Older Americans Month

Older Americans how to know when an loved one is ready for elderly care

Older Americans Month

couple sitting on a bench overlooking a sunny ocean - relationships in senior living facilityAmerica is getting older. Since, May is Older Americans Month, this is an opportune time to recognize and celebrate contributions of our nation’s older people. Firstly, you can recognize the contributions of older Americans in many ways. The simplest is to thank any Older American for their service to America, especially those who have served in the US military.

Psychological Needs

In brief, some say that the four basic psychological needs of the Older American are: Purpose: Maintaining a sense of purpose through hobbies, interests, community activities, mentoring, and setting goals Mental stimulation: Keeping the brain engaged to reduce the risk of cognitive decline Safety and security: Feeling emotionally safe and secure Expression of thoughts and feelings: Expressing their thoughts and feelings  

It is important to realize how you can support the independence of older adults and recognize value of older adults to our great nation. Read on my friend for some helpful timely tips. A huge part of an Older American’s needs are their psychological needs, especially in these areas:

  1. Family and Community Support
  2. Home Safety
  3. Medical Needs
  4. Cognitive Health
  5. Mobility
  6. Personal Hygiene
  7. Meal Preparation
  8. Social Interaction

Care Tips

What Are the Psychological Needs of the Elderly?

What are the emotional needs of older people?

How do you provide emotional support to an older person?

What are the social and emotional issues of the elderly?

Generally, everyone has emotional needs. We all must have Meaningful relationships and experiences. This helps our Feeling of being Loved and Accepted by others. Finally, by Belonging through involvement in the community clubs or family. Finally, with these keys comes activities in which we help stabilize emotional needs. Emotional support is a medical necessity and is important for the mental health of older people. Evidently, many older adults in the community lack emotional support, which can increase the risk of loneliness, depression, anxiety, and premature death. YIKES! In some ways, we can address the emotional needs of our elderly, these include:

  1. Actively listening
  2. Prioritizing safety and security
  3. Respect their wishes
  4. Find meaningful activities
  5. Socialize
  6. Assist with self-care
  7. Watching for signs of depression
  8. Help them feel safe
  9. Surround them with familiar faces
  10. Looking out for mood alterations


Help For Our Elder Adults It Can Be You

It can be you and it starts with a conversation. How can you help? Older Adults may need help with many tasks that we all may be able to offer, including:

  1. Transportation: Our older loved ones may need help getting around, especially if they don’t drive.
  2. Housework: Senior loved ones may need help with chores like cleaning and running errands.
  3. Cooking: Older folks may need help preparing meals.
  4. Personal care: Our senior loved ones may need help with hygiene and other activities of daily living, like eating, walking, and using the bathroom.
  5. Medical care: Elders may need help with medical attention.
  6. Legal services: Elder Law Lawyers are here for our older family member. They may need help with legal issues like guardianship, elder abuse, Medicaid, and debt collection.
  7. Health insurance: Older adults may need help understanding their Medicare benefits and options.

All things considered, our first step is exploring the ideas above with any Older American to discover a need no matter how great or small.  


Honor Our Older Loved Ones Where they Live; Specialists at Golden Placements can help:

Obviously, these tools to better communication can help you help our Older Loved Ones. Firstly, Golden Placements helps you manage resources and takes care of the leg work for finding the best living situation for your Golden Year parent, sibling, loved one. Second, GPS has ideas gathered over years of experience by being Senior Life Specialists.  Next, Portland Senior Living and their various options from our Golden Girls specialists are IS NO COST. Community living and finding the right living choice for you or your loved one is important. We help you navigate the details. Finally, we give you even more resources to help you learn more about our services:

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Diane Delaney, Placement Specialist Extraordinaire

Diane Delaney, Golden Placement Services
Diane Delaney

Delaney is the founder of Golden Placement Services. She began this business with a healthy dose of compassion for  helping families make educated decisions regarding senior placement. Focused to relieve stress in uncertain senior housing crucial moments.  Diane brings about loving change of lifestyle with grace. Additionally, Diane is an accomplished executive manager, Director of Operations in senior housing. Emphatically, she enjoys sharing her full spectrum experience of transition process for older family members.   Read more from Senior Placement Specialist Diane: Ultimate Senior Living Resource Guide >>

LaVona Tomberlin, Senior Placement Specialist

LaVona Tomberlin
LaVona Tomberlin

Tomberlin brings a high level of education and experience to you as your Senior Placement Specialist at GPS. She loves writing about improving the lives of Aging Adults working in private care and in-home care for over 36 years. Geriatrics, Memory Care. Plus, she holds Master of Psychology Behavioral Health with the goal of advocating for those who needed a voice. Basically, LaVona believes helping families make good decisions relieves stress in uncertain times makes life worthwhile! Ready to Learn More, Read articles from Placement Specialist LaVona: End of Life Transition a heart felt Guide >>



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