Help with Moving | “Moving”: Is It a Verb or an Adjective?

Help with Moving tips on reducing stress from moving

Here is where to find Help With Moving

So You’re Moving. Congratulations! Are You Prepared?

Mov-ing: verb – to go from one place of residence to another

Mov-ing:adjective – stirring deeply in a way that evokes a strong emotional response

There it is, rumbling down the road toward our home. A big moving truck pulling up the e-brake with a groan in front of our family home. What is the first thing you think about when someone mentions they will be “moving”? Is it Congratulations? Usually midway through the hassle of packing we find we need Help With Moving!  Click here to visit our Golden Girl checklist for Moving Preparation.

Moving Can Create Undeniable Joy

The rooms filled with heavily packed boxes. So we have to heft one to the side so we can use the toilet. Somewhere in between the wall and a pile of teetering boxes to be packed we discover we need Help With Moving. The Adventures of relocating to a new area doesn’t cross our mind! In addition, to the immediate stress; “how to find help with the stress of moving” pops into our minds like a Google search! However, that’s just the action or the physical stress part of moving!  Click here to visit our Golden Girl checklist for Moving Preparation.

HELP with Moving

Basically, we ALL need Help With Moving and the stress of moving no mater what age. Just mentioning the idea of moving can elicit a mix of emotions from people. There may be the sadness of leaving the home that they love and have enjoyed for many years. The excitement of a new life. Separation caused by moving away from friends and family can also cause anxious feelings. Other feelings of looking forward to starting over, developing new friendships, and discovering a different and exciting area. Equally, this grab bag of emotions makes moving so much more than physical transition. Consequently, there is so much physical work required to move a household from one place to another, that we often overlook the emotional part of transitions. 

Psychologists say that moving can be one of the most stressful events in life.

The moving process involves many decisions and changes throughout the transition stages. Moving challenges relationships between the people involved. Priorities are often reevaluated before and during the moving process and sometimes after the move is completed. Moving is demanding on time and can pull you away from the things you desire or are accustomed to. Some residential moves are not by choice but rather out of necessity. Life events like divorce, death, job change, health or financial crisis can necessitate a move. Certainly, even when the resident isn’t emotionally ready or fully on board. Something to watch for; when a move is essential, the stress and emotions involved increase all the more. 

How can I cope with moving?

  1. It is important to take time during the busy moving time to acknowledge and name the various emotions/ feelings of all those involved in this process.
  2. Talking about concerns and positives can relieve some of the anxiety as well as help others understand your thoughts and actions.

Shifting Your Focus to “Joy of Moving”

In conclusion, it is helpful to shift your focus to what lies ahead! Instead try focusing on what you are gaining. For example, however hard it maybe to leave the large house you have been in for many years, think about how easy it will be to care for your new smaller space. Look for the positives and make those your emphasis. The next time you hear the word “moving,” remember that it’s so much more than just the physical act. It is accompanied by the stirring of a strong emotional response.  In conclusion, Take time to reflect on those feelings, and strive to make your move a happy one.

Reach out to our friends at NWOS, Beth Giles 2015, NW Organizing Solutions

Ready to go? Start with Declutter and Downsizing! We’ve compiled a checklist for seniors downsizing to help you sort through your important papers, update documents and coordinate the move.  Click here to visit our Golden Girl checklist for Moving Preparation.

Are you Done With Downsizing and Ready to Relocate?

In conclusion, if your senior loved one has the project of downsizing completed and is all ready for a big move then, great work! We are capable professionals ready to find the right new location for your loved one in the Portland Metro or Northern California area.
Golden Placement Services can help find a home for mom. Contact us today.

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Here are some resources to help you learn more about managing moving stressors with exercise:


Housing Resources from Golden Placements:

Does Oregon have senior housing? Here are more resources to help you learn more about How to Cope with Moving Transitions:


Diane Delaney, Placement Specialist Extraordinaire

Diane Delaney, Golden Placement Services
Diane Delaney

Delaney is the founder of Golden Placement Services. She began this business with a healthy dose of compassion for  helping families make educated decisions regarding senior placement. Focused to relieve stress in uncertain senior housing crucial moments.  Diane brings about loving change of lifestyle with grace. Additionally, Diane is an accomplished executive manager, Director of Operations in senior housing. Emphatically, she enjoys sharing her experience by writing about the full spectrum of the transition process for seniors and family members.

Read more from Senior Placement Specialist Diane: Ultimate Senior Living Resource Guide >>

LaVona Tombrelin, Senior Placement Specialist

LaVona Tomberlin
LaVona Tomberlin

Tombrelin brings a high level of education and experience to you as your Senior Placement Specialist at GPS. She loves writing about improving the lives of Elderly working in private care and in-home care for over 36 years. Geriatrics, Memory Care. Plus, she holds Master of Psychology Behavioral Health with the goal of advocating for those who needed a voice. Basically, LaVona believes helping the families to make good decisions and to relieve their stress in uncertain times makes life worthwhile!

Learn More: Read articles from Placement Specialist LaVona: End of Life Transition a heart felt Guide >>  



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