How Hearing Loss Affects the Diagnosis of Dementia

Hearing Loss Dementia diagnosis

Hearing Loss and Dementia

Over the past 30 years, audiology researchers have wondered if hearing loss could impact the results of dementia tests. One of these tests is the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). This is the most popular and commonly used test among over three quarters of psychiatrists and primary care physicians; it is used to determine cognitive function.

Studies show that reduced audibility significantly reduces scores on the MMSE, resulting in greater apparent cognitive deficits and possible misdiagnosis of dementia. Though the MMSE is so widely used, there are still no standard national or international guidelines for testing a person with dementia. This means that there are still some structural weaknesses related to understanding the auditory language, which results in misdiagnosis.

Eliminating Compounding Factors When Diagnosing Dementia

Various trials and studies have shown that hearing loss is linked to lower results on verbally administered tests for dementia. Hearing loss and dementia have been tied together in ongoing research, and it was found that hearing loss is twice as likely in people with dementia. Other studies found that vision can also influence the results of these tests.

Researchers noted that it is very important to reduce or eliminate these confounding factors, like hearing or vision loss, since they can affect the results of the MMSE (Mini-Mental State Examination). Some may even critique its usefulness in diagnosing dementia.

When a family is considering having their loved one tested for dementia, it may be wise to ask your physician or health care professional for a full auditory evaluation before hand to avoid misdiagnosis.



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